Path to Beauty

Path to Beauty One more step. The path is steep and steeper still, You could stop here. Here, amongst the broken rocks, Fit the sand of self into the cracks, Sift down, down into darkness. One more step- The path lifts to nothing and nothing still, You could stop here. Here, fear will hold you still, Hope will push you on. You, must, move – the path will not. One more step, Under a sky stretched blue and bluer still You must stop to look, Amongst the sand and sun-jagged rocks, Roots, push, down, lifting leaves to green, Impossibly, alive, on a path to beauty. Ruth Everson Life is a bitch. There are times when one more step, one more morning, one more week, seems impossible. I have sat at the bottom of the dark hole of depression. I have, it seems, spent a lifetime fighting with my own particular demons. Recently, I have thought a lot about a little story that I read a couple of years ago. I don’t remember its author, so I can’t...