Madiba 9
I could say many things about South Africa in 2013 but all I
really want is for us, one by one, to follow the path beaten out for us by our
beloved Nelson Mandela.
Madiba leaves an indelible legacy.
I would like to walk on the path that he has made.
I commit to doing just one, small thing that will lift
someone else every day.
Perhaps you will join me.
Madiba 9
You could buy a pair of shoes (size 9),
That would fit the feet of this man,
But you will not walk in them.
You will not smooth the quarry stones
Into the long road of forgiveness,
Or write in blood words of love.
This man’s foot shifted the dyingdust,
Lifted from lost, tiredtattered Hope,
This man unravelled the blackness
To free the barbed-bound wounded
Held it high and wonder-wide for all to
If you would dare to walk in this man’s
You must stride alone towards your Truth,
Believing that perhaps, just perhaps,
Other will come to walk at your side.
Ruth Everson
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